Goodyear Avondale Arizona
Chiropractors-Chiropractic Resource Page

Find a chiropractic clinic in Goodyear or Avondale…

Chiropractic and Spinal Stenosis Treatment

Peripheral Neuropathy Relief~ Learn How

Don’t Suffer With Sciatica

Headaches? Avondale Chiropractors Can Help

Chiropractic Helps Whiplash Injury

Neck Pain Newsletter Download

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is based on a clinical model that states abnormal structure, particularly of the spine,  will contribute to ill health and that correction of spinal alignment will improve function of the body. If you core structure is abnormal, it will be hard for you to function at peak capacity. Chiropractic care has been relieving pain and improving function for more than 100 years.

What do chiropractors treat?

The above chiropractic newsletters are provided free of charge to patients needing help with serious health problems, If you would like to discuss your condition with a Goodyear Area chiropractor call our office…

For a free phone consultation call. 623.547.4727

Chiropractors in the Goodyear and Avondale Arizona areas treat a number of conditions related to the spine and the nerves that exist the spine. Lower back pain, hip and leg pain caused by spinal Stenosis or sciatica which are related to pinched nerves in the lower back. Neck pain headaches and arm pain and numbness in the upper body. To talk to an area chiropractic call 623.547.4727

Chiropractic and Acupuncture

Some chiropractors have additional training and certification in acupuncture. The combination of chiropractic and
acupuncture can produce

Chiropractic Neurology.  

Chiropractic neurology is a specialty of the profession that requires three additional years of training in the practice of functional neurology

Chiropractic and Nutrition

hiropractic and Clinical Nutrition

A growing specialty in the chiropractic profession is called Advanced Practice. This is where chiropractors perform blood tests and recommend nutritional supplements based on a patient´s nutritional needs

Goodyear-Avondale Chiropractic

12409 W Indian School RD, Avondale, AZ 85392

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