Headache Resource .What Causes Headaches?.Types of Headaches.We're Different.Treatment.

Headache Relief Resource Page
Helping residents of Litchfield Park, Goodyear & Avondale find relief from head pain and headaches.

Life changing Care for Headache Sufferers

Dr. George Kukurin

Chiropractic Neurologist

K~CANN:  Kukurin Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition Network
Providing Life Changing Care to the Palm Valley Area of Litchfield Park,
Goodyear, Avondale and the West Valley

12409 West Indian School Road Avondale Arizona 85392

Migraines: The pounding and throbbing pain of migraines is due to over activity in the brainstem and alternating constriction and then the  dilation of the blood vessels inside the skull. Control these 2 events and you can end migraine pain and suffering.  

Migraines have some unique features that make them different from other types of headaches. One unique feature is that abnormal nerve functioning in the Trigeminal Complex,  (let’s call it the TC for short) causes the released of chemicals called neurotransmitters in the blood vessels inside the brain. This causes the blood vessel to first constrict then rapidly expand. These abnormal chemicals also circulate to areas of the brain that cause nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity. Standard medical care using drugs like Maxalt™ or Topomax™ are designed to try to block the effects of the neurotransmitter release. But they do nothing to try to normalize the TC (the underlying cause of the headaches). This means that if they work at all, you’ll need to take them for the rest of your life, treating the symptoms of TC dysfunction rather than the cause of the headache. Our experience is that these drugs tend to work in the short term, but gradually lose there effectiveness over time in many patients. Our approach is much different. We seeks to find the cause of your headache, then use a comprehensive approach of neural rehabilitation to try to restore the nervous system, specially the trigeminal complex back towards normal. You can read how we do this here.

So many of our migraine patients have tried all the new and promising drugs to control their headaches. Many seem to work in the short term, but few produce long lasting relief. It is our belief that most headache therapy fails because it does  not address the underlying cause of the headache, abnormal nerve function. Research around the world strongly suggests that headache patients have an abnormality in the Trigeminal Nerve and its related pathways. We have developed a comprehensive rehabilitation program as a treatment aimed at the cause of migraine and other headaches.