Everyone can loose weight, keeping it off is the problem.

      Dr. George Kukurin

          Chiropractic Neurologist
Hello, I'm Dr. George Kukurin and I am licensed to practice chiropractic by the  by the State of Pennsylvania. I have been studying and practicing alternative medicine methods for over 20 years. I have a keen interest in conditions of the nervous system, because I am a former faculty member of the Post Graduate Neurology Department of Parker College. I’m also one of a select few Arizona chiropractic physicians who are Diplomats of the American Chiropractic Academy of Neurology.  I have treated thousands of patients suffering from all types of conditions of the nervous system. I have post-graduate education from the Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. I have even traveled to Russian to learn laser acupuncture and to Mexico to study nerve regeneration treatments.

                    Learn more here

Kukurin  Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition  Network

12409 West Indian School Road #C304 Avondale AZ 85392



<<< (continued from the previous page)  Elevated blood sugar is very unhealthy. Sugar in the blood binds to proteins causing damage to cells. It is one of the reasons why diabetic patients suffer from kidney damage, neuropathy and loss of eyesight. Ideally insulin directs blood sugar into muscles cells which act like a furnace to burn sugar for energy. But as we now know, in metabolic syndrome, the insulin receptors aren’t working correctly. So what does the body do with all of this harmful excess sugar in the blood stream? In an attempt to lower blood sugar levels, the body coverts excess blood sugar into fats. If your blood triglycerides are too high, it is not because you have too much fat in your diet, it is because you have too much sugar in your blood and your body is converting it into fat. Here is another contradiction, too much fat in the diet does not cause too much fat in the blood, it is too much sugar in the diet that increases blood fat (triglycerides). It is also this conversion of excess sugar in the blood into triglycerides that contributes to weight gain  and fat accumulation. The body then stores this newly formed fat in the fat cells known as adipocytes. This occurs disproportionately in the visceral adipose tissue around the belly. Unfortunately there is more to the story.  Fat is not just stored energy, it also releases its own set of hormones. Two important ones are Leptin and Adiponectin. Leptin controls your desire to eat. Your cravings. If Leptin is working the way it should, you have no trouble staying on your diet.  Leptin released from fat cells ends up in your brain and tells you, how much to eat and what types of food to eat.  When Leptin is working correctly it allows you to decline food and say “No Thanks I’m not hungry” or if you are hungry, Leptin allows you to choose the broccoli over the french fries.  And guess what? You can become Leptin resistant just like you can become Insulin resistant. Research shows that too little Leptin or Leptin  resistance makes you overeat. Many researchers believe that abnormal Leptin metabolism is what makes diets fail. You loose weight, your Leptin levels fall and you overeat regaining all the pounds you lost dieting and then some. Does this sound familiar? Leptin resistance or low levels of Leptin is the little devil that whispers in your ear and makes your diet fail, time and time again. So dys-regulation of  insulin turns you into a fat storing machine and dys-regulation of Leptin makes you want to keep eating no matter how miserable you are with your current weight. Pretty depressing, I know, but there is one more hormone we need to talk about. Adiponectin is a hormone produced by fat cells that inhibits fat storage. So Adiponectin is a dieter’s friend.

                                                            (continued next page)>>>

Insulin resistance leads to defective sugar burning in the muscles and the conversion of excess blood sugar into triglycerides which are then stored in fat cells located in the mid-section. The longer blood sugar remains elevated,  the less sensitive insulin receptors become resulting in a shift in metabolism away from energy burning to fat accumulation.  Eventually diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides develop.

Ideal Protein Phoenix. Weight Loss. Scientific Nutrition. Results. Dr Kukurin.

The Ideal Protein Diet Program