Everyone can loose weight, keeping it off is the problem.

      Dr. George Kukurin

          Chiropractic Neurologist
Hello, I'm Dr. George Kukurin and I am licensed to practice chiropractic by the  by the State of Pennsylvania. I have been studying and practicing alternative medicine methods for over 20 years. I have a keen interest in conditions of the nervous system, because I am a former faculty member of the Post Graduate Neurology Department of Parker College. I’m also one of a select few Arizona chiropractic physicians who are Diplomats of the American Chiropractic Academy of Neurology.  I have treated thousands of patients suffering from all types of conditions of the nervous system. I have post-graduate education from the Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. I have even traveled to Russian to learn laser acupuncture and to Mexico to study nerve regeneration treatments.

                    Learn more here

Kukurin  Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition  Network

12409 West Indian School Road #C304 Avondale AZ 85392



The Ideal Protein System is like a combination of Weight Watchers™, Nutri-System® and the Low Carbohydrate Diets like Atkins™ and South Beach™. In fact, in my opinion, it takes the best attributes of these diets and combines them into a concise weight loss program.  Here’s what makes the Ideal Protein Plan so effective and appealing to those of us who are constantly fighting the battle of the bulge. First and foremost the IPD is designed from the start with the end in mind. If you are anything like me, the first thing you think about when you start a new diet is “when does it end?”  It is true that almost from day one,  the IPD program starts to plan the end of your diet. Let me explain what I mean. The very first thing you do is decide how much weight you want to loose. Do you want to drop 20, 50 or 100 pounds? The really cool thing about the IPD program is  that you can predict how long it will take for you to reach your weight loss goal.  You can do this using the IPD plan, because the program is structured and set up for you to loose on average 3-7 pounds (of fat) per week. The average patient, that follows this plan will drop this amount of weight because the plan considers calories, carbohydrates, fat, protein AND portion control for you. It has all been figured out. You just need to follow the plan. Because the ratios of carbohydrate,  
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<<<(continued from previous page)    So Adiponectin is our friend. But can you guess what happens to Adiponectin levels when you have insulin resistance? Of course, Adiponectin levels fall. Another contributing factor to weight gain and diet failure. So the deck is really stacked against us. Insulin resistance turns us into fat storing machines, this leads to low levels of Leptin or Leptin resistance which tells us we are always hungry and temps us into wrong food choices, while at the same time our Adiponectin levels, which function to inhibit fat storage, fall. The perfect storm for obesity. And as if this isn’t bad enough, this metabolic syndrome increases inflammation in the body leading to heart problems and a host of other terrible diseases. This is one reason why overweight folks have so many other health problems. It also why any diet that fails to address this dys-regulation of metabolism is doomed to fail!!   So what do we do about it? (punting is not an option)  This is where the Ideal Protein Diet Program® comes into play. The Ideal Protein Diet Program (lets  call it IPD for short), was specifically designed to address the dys-regulation in metabolism that leads not only to weight gain, but also a host of unhealthy conditions. It actually helps those of us with bad diet-obesity genes. Let’s see what makes the Ideal plan different and better than the other diets out there.

Abnormal insulin metabolism leads to an accumulation of abdominal fat which causes a dys-regulation of the adipokines (fat hormones) Leptin and Adiponectin. The net effect is fat accumulation and increasing insulin resistance leading to adult onset diabetes and the associated health concerns.  Normalizing carbohydrate metabolism, and the function of insulin, leptin and Adiponectin is the only way to achieve long lasting weight loss and improved health.

Ideal Protein Phoenix. Weight Loss. Scientific Nutrition. Results. Dr Kukurin.

The Ideal Protein Diet Program