Everyone can loose weight, keeping it off is the problem.

      Dr. George Kukurin

          Chiropractic Neurologist
Hello, I'm Dr. George Kukurin and I am licensed to practice chiropractic by the  by the State of Pennsylvania. I have been studying and practicing alternative medicine methods for over 20 years. I have a keen interest in conditions of the nervous system, because I am a former faculty member of the Post Graduate Neurology Department of Parker College. I’m also one of a select few Arizona chiropractic physicians who are Diplomats of the American Chiropractic Academy of Neurology.  I have treated thousands of patients suffering from all types of conditions of the nervous system. I have post-graduate education from the Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. I have even traveled to Russian to learn laser acupuncture and to Mexico to study nerve regeneration treatments.

                    Learn more here

Kukurin  Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition  Network

12409 West Indian School Road #C304 Avondale AZ 85392



Scientific Nutrition ~ Results

The results reported on this page are actual cases from our files. We did not treat any specific disease, but rather supported the body nutritionally, based on blood work analysis. In these cases given the right nutrients, in specific amounts as determined by blood analysis, the body took care of itself.

BM: 67 yo male: Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, widespread muscle pain.

           Did our program work for him? See his results here.

BH: 53 yo male: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, chronic pancreatitis,

55 pound weight loss.

AL: 80 yo male: Dialysis, Heart Failure, Liver Failure, Hypertension

GWK: 48 yo male: Gall Bladder Disease, High Cholesterol,

BW: 43 yo female: Adult onset diabetes

DM: 68 yo male: Congestive Heart Failure

DAK: 75 yo female: Congestive Heart Failure

Ideal Protein Phoenix. Weight Loss. Scientific Nutrition. Results. Dr Kukurin.

Check back soon,  this page in

under construction! More cases to follow.

Visit the....

Science Based Nutrition™

website to  read about more amazing successfully treated cases.

Click here to see some truly amazing results our patients have obtained with neuropathy, shingles and circulatory problems.

Seeing is believing. Check it out.

CP: 53 YO female with kidney damage secondary to treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. See how her kidney function improved.