Everyone can loose weight, keeping it off is the problem.

      Dr. George Kukurin

          Chiropractic Neurologist
Hello, I'm Dr. George Kukurin and I am licensed to practice chiropractic by the  by the State of Pennsylvania. I have been studying and practicing alternative medicine methods for over 20 years. I have a keen interest in conditions of the nervous system, because I am a former faculty member of the Post Graduate Neurology Department of Parker College. I’m also one of a select few Arizona chiropractic physicians who are Diplomats of the American Chiropractic Academy of Neurology.  I have treated thousands of patients suffering from all types of conditions of the nervous system. I have post-graduate education from the Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins and the Mayo Clinic. I have even traveled to Russian to learn laser acupuncture and to Mexico to study nerve regeneration treatments.

                    Learn more here

Kukurin  Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition  Network

12409 West Indian School Road #C304 Avondale AZ 85392



Ideal Protein Phoenix. Weight Loss. Scientific Nutrition. Results. Dr Kukurin.

The Ideal Protein Diet Program

<<<(continued from the previous page)  The higher the amount of insulin in your body, the better your body becomes at storing fat. If you are like me and have trouble maintaining a healthy weight, you probably have high levels of insulin circulating  in your blood. Here is the second thing you probably didn’t know, people with pre-diabetes and type two diabetes (the type associated with obesity and adult onset) actually have high levels of insulin in their blood stream. Did you catch this contradiction? The job of insulin is to clear sugar out of the blood, but pre-diabetics and type-two diabetics have both too much sugar and too much insulin in their blood. How can this be and what does it have to do with your ability to loose weight?

Insulin resistance: Under normal conditions, when we eat, our blood sugar rises, this signals our pancreas to release insulin. Insulin functions to move sugar out of the blood and into either the muscles to be burned for energy or into adipose tissue to be stored as fat. For insulin to do its job, it must bind to a receptor (the insulin receptor) on the surface of the cell. There are insulin receptors on the surface of most cells. For those of us who tend to carry extra weight, often the insulin receptors on the muscle cells are dysfunctional.  They either don’t bind insulin or if they do, they don’t react strongly to insulin and suck blood sugar into the muscle to be burned. The net result is that blood sugar stays elevated. Why is this a bad thing?  Well we know that sugar in the blood causes insulin to be released from the pancreas. Under normal conditions, insulin is released into the blood, this causes blood sugar to move into the cells which in turn lowers blood sugar and this in turn inhibits the release of more insulin from the pancreas. The drop in circulating insulin keeps the sensitivity of insulin receptors within a normal range. But in insulin resistance, insulin does not do a good job of  lower blood sugar. The chronically elevated blood sugar keeps signaling the pancreas to release more insulin.  With chronically elevated levels of blood insulin, the body down-regulates the insulin receptors. This means that in the presence of too much insulin, the insulin receptors become lazy and less active. This in turn allows the blood sugar to stay elevated which causes the pancreas to release more and more insulin which further desensitizes the insulin receptors. This downward spiral is what leads to diabetes. The metabolism of sugar (carbohydrates) becomes more and more dysfunctional until the patient can no longer clear sugar from the blood and he or she then develops type-two adult onset diabetes.

                                              (continued on the next page) >>>>   


Insulin resistance  begins with the breakdown in the body’s ability to clear sugar from the blood. This creates a downward spiral that ultimately leads to metabolic syndrome and eventually diabetes.